To celebrate the season of giving, we are introducing two exciting GIVE SUM give back initiatives to raise money and awareness for our partner SCOPE (Summer Camp Opportunities Promote Education) and participate in their ‘Do Something December’ CAMP-aign. Let’s do this, together!!
There are THREE (easy) ways to give back with Summer 365!
Get the bunk back together this winter season and sign up for a S’more 365 virtual elective focused on giving back this holiday season, camp style! Learn about service, fundraising, the mission of SCOPE, and come ready to brainstorm a creative and fun service project you and your friends will put into action! Children and teens of all ages are welcome. Set up a private elective or join an open class, all proceeds from the elective will go to SCOPE. Electives will be instructed by awesome camping professionals and/or campers!! Email to get more info and set up an elective.
Also – the buddy system! It works just as well in business. For every friend referred to Summer 365’s service we will make a $100 donation to SCOPE, simply make a note you want to #GIVESUM!
Finally, what is GIVE SUM? We know so many cannot afford a summer camp experience, which is exactly why GIVE SUM was born —a special scholarship fund that affords kids from underserved communities, life changing opportunities through the experience of summer camp. For every child or teen we work with that enrolls in a camp or program we made a donation to this fund as well as other fundraising and volunteer initiatives that Summer 365 engages in throughout the year. Learn more here and to donate directly.
We are proud to partner with SCOPE. Children who receive SCOPE camperships gain access to attend overnight summer camp throughout the United States, free of cost to their family. As you know, camp is one of the greatest gifts you can give this holiday season.